- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of Agenda
- 4. Administrative Reports
4.1. Secretary
4.1.1. Approval of the May 19, 2022, commission meeting minutes.
- 4.2. Treasurer
4.2.1. April, May, June Financial Reports
- 4.3. Executive Director
- 5. General Business
5.1. Liability Waiver
- 5.2. Lexica Phase III Report
- 5.3. Strategic Plan Check In
- 5.4. 2023 Operating Budget and 5-Year Capital Plan
- 5.5. Capital Request – Pavement
- 5.6. Technology Projects 2022 Outlook
- 5.7. Ashpaugh & Sculco Audit Update
- 5.8. Other
- 6. Adjourn