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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Approve Agenda
- 5. Consent Agenda
1. Approve Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
- 6. Public Hearing
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Request for a Variance to Setbacks from the Ordinary High Watermark of the Rum River for the Construction of a Detached Accessory Building at 5280 161st Ave NW (Project No. 22-103); Case of Mark Rice
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Request for Sketch Plan, Zoning Amendment, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment Related to a Proposed Second School Campus for PACT Charter School on the Property Located at 7633 161st Ave NW (Project No. 22-107); Case of PACT Charter School
3. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider Request to Amend a Home Occupation Permit for Peace Keepers, Inc. at 6025 177th Ln NW; Case of Derek Trout
- 7. Commission Business
- 8. Commission/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment