- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. Proclamation Declaring May as Building Safety Month
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending April 30, 2017
2. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 04/25/17
2. City Council Regular Dated 04/25/17
3. Approve Licenses
4. Approve Request to Declare Surplus Property
5. Approve Request of the Ramsey Foundation for Lawful Gambling Funds for the Concert Series
6. Adopt Resolution #17-05-110 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of April 20, 2017 2017 Through May 3, 2017
7. Adopt Resolution #17-05-108 Resolution Establishing Procedures Related to Compliance with Reimbursement Bond Regulations Under the Internal Revenue Code (Bonding for 2017 Road Reconstruction Projects)
8. Adopt Resolution #17-05-112 to Hire Seasonal Public Works Maintenance Workers and Interns
9. Adopt Resolution #17-05109 Requesting Anoka County to Withhold Certain Tax Forfeit Land from Public Sale and Authorizing Acquisition of Tax Forfeit Property (PIN 08-32-25-23-0014) for Public Purpose in the City of Ramsey
10. Adopt Resolution #17-05-113 Proclaiming May as Building Safety Month
11. Report from Public Works Committee Meeting Dated April 18, 2017
1. Consider Preventative Maintenance for 29-Year Old Well Pump and Motor at Central Park: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Consideration of Preventative Maintenance to the Well at Central Park at a Not-to-Exceed Cost of $9,000 from the Capital Maintenance Fund, Which Includes Replacement of the Existing System with a Variable Frequency Drive and Pump
2. Consider a Review of SCADA System and the Need for Redundancy Upgrades: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Consideration of Item #1 for 2017 for Purchase of Spare Master Equipment and to have the Public Works Staff Budget as necessary for Items #2-4 in Future Years, as Reviewed in Mr. LeFreniere's April 6, 2017, Report
3. Consider Pedestrian and Traffic Concerns on Variolite Street and Receive Petition for Pedestrian Crosswalk: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council to Instruct City Staff to Review Potential Safety-Related Improvements on Variolite Street, Including a Proposed Crosswalk, and Present their Findings and Recommendations to the Public Works Committee at their May 16, 2017 Meeting
4. Consider Recommending City Council Approval of Plans and Specificiations for Improvement Project #17-00, Sunwood Drive Reconstruction: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend that the City Council Approve Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-00, Sunwood Drive Reconstruction
5. Consider Recommending City Council Approval of Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-01, Alpine Drive Reconstruction. Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Approval of Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-01, Alpine Drive Reconstruction
6. Consider Recommending City Council Authorization to Prepare Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-09, Bunker Lake Boulevard Utilities Extension: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Authorization to Prepare Plans and Specifications for Extended Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Along Bunker Lake Boulevard to Puma Street
7. Consider Recommending City Council Authorization to Prepare Plans and Specifications for Flashing Yellow Arrow Improvements to Signal System at Armstrong Boulevard and Sunwood Drive: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Authorization to Hire SEH, Inc., to Prepare Plans and Specifications for Converting the City-Owned Signal System at the Intersection of Armstrong Boulevard/CSAH 83 and Sunwood Drive/147th Avenue to Flashing Yellow Arrow Operations
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
1. Consider Request to Appeal Solicitor License Denial; Case of Aaron Jahnke, Heston & Associates, Inc.
2. Adopt Resolutions #17-05-106 and #17-05-107 Granting approval of the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Woodlands 4th Addition (Project #16-102); Case of Lennar
3. Consider Easement Vacations, Final Plat, and Development Agreement for Brookfield 8th Addition (Project No. 16-78); Case of Brookfield Land, LLC
4. Adopt Ordinance #17-04 Amending Irrigation Requirements (Project #17-104)
5. Adopt Resolution #17-05-103 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisements for Bids for Improvement Project #17-00, Sunwood Drive Reconstruction
6. Adopt Resolution #17-05-104 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisements for Bids for Improvement Project #17-01, Alpine Drive Reconstruction
7. Adopt Resolution #17-05-105 Ordering Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-08, Flashing Yellow Arrow Improvements at Sunwood Drive & Armstrong Boulevard
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
1. Receive Update on Potassium Street Easement Dispute
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 5-9-2017
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