- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. Oath of Office - Patrol Officer
2. Proclamation for Building Safety Month
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending April 30, 2018
2. Note the Following Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes:
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated March 1, 2018
• Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes Dated March 8, 2018
• Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes Dated March 8, 2018
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated March 19, 2018
3. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Canvassing Board Dated 4/18/2018
2. City Council Work Session Dated 4/24/2018
3. City Council Regular Dated 4/24/2018
4. Approve Licenses
5. Approve Rental Licenses
6. Adopt Resolution #18-094 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of April 19, 2018 and May 2, 2018
7. Adopt Resolution #18-095 Accepting Resignation of Mayor, Declaring a Vacancy in the Office of Mayor and Calling for a Special Election to Fill the Vacancy AND Adopt Resolution #18-096 Declaring a Vacancy in the Office of Councilmember Ward 4, Due to Special Election of April 24, 2018, and Calling for a Special Election to Fill the Vacancy
8. Adopt Resolution #18-093 Hiring Seasonal Public Works Maintenance Workers
9. Report from Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee Held its Regular Meeting on April 18, 2018 and Discussed the Following Cases:
1. Consider Using Soil from COR Infiltration Basin Project as Fill in Other Areas of the COR: Motion to Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend that the City Council Orders Amending the Plans for The COR Infiltration Basin Improvements, Improvement Project #18-09, to Include Placing the Excess Fill in a Controlled Manner on Selected Sites in the COR
2. Consider Recommendation to City Council Authorizing Speed Study on Bunker Lake Boulevard: Motion to Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Recommend City Council Authorization to Request a Speed Study on Bunker Lake Boulevard/CSAH 116 Between Armstrong Boulevard/CASH 83 and Sunfish Lake Boulevard/CSAH 57
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Buisiness
1. Consider Resolution #18-066 Approving Home Occupation Permit at 5751 177th Ave NW (Project #17-152); Case of Tracer Landscape and Concrete LLC
2. Adopt Ordinance #18-04 Establishing E-3 Employment Zoning District
3. Adopt Ordinance #18-05 Rezoning of Subject Properties to E-3 Employment District
4. Introduce Ordinance #18-02 Authorizing the City of Ramsey to Sell Five (5) Parcels of Real Property
5. Adopt Resolution #18-080 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisements for Bids for Bunker Lake Boulevard and Puma Street Pavement Improvements, Improvement Project #18-05
6. Adopt Resolution #18-081 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for 2018 Street Overlay Improvements, Improvement Project #18-03
7. Adopt Resolution #18-091 Authorizing Speed Study Request for Bunker Lake Boulevard/CSAH 116 Between Armstrong Boulevard/CSAH 83 and Sunfish Lake Boulevard/CSAH 57
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 5-8-2018
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