- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. 2016-2017 Winter Maintenance Update, Grant Riemer, Public Works Superintendent
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive March 2017 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds
2. Note the Following Boards and Commmissions Meeting Minutes:
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated March 2, 2017
• Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes Dated March 9, 2017
• Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Dated March 9, 2017
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated March 20, 2017
3. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 04/11/17
2. City Council Regular Dated 04/11/17
4. Approve Aeon Purchase Agreement Amendment to Extend Closing Deadline
5. Approve Second Amendment to GS Land Purchase Agreement to Extend Closing Deadline
6. Adopt Resolution #17-04-093 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of April 6, 2017 Through April 19, 2017
7. Adopt Resolution #17-04-099 to Hire a Part-Time Community Service Officer
8. Adopt Resolution #17-04-094 Authorizing Final Payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc. for IP 13-10 Garnet St-168th Avenue Improvements
9. Adopt Resolution #17-04-092 Approving an Easement Encroachment Agreement for a Detached Accessory Building at 15359 Zuni Ct NW; Case of STeve and Christine Roeder
10. Adopt Resolution #17-04-095 Granting Final Plat Approval for Station 2nd Addition; Case of D.R. Horton (Project #17-121)
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
1. Consider Approvals Related to Plat Known as Covenant Meadows (Project #17-102); Case of Eric Thomsen
1. Introduce Ordinance #17-05 Approving Zoning Amendment to Planned Unit Development
2. Adopt Resolution #17-04-053 Approving Preliminary Plat
2. Adopt Resolution #17-04-079 Granting Preliminary Plat Approval of Homestead Road Subdivision Located at 7131 166th Ave NW (Project #16-32); Case of CTW Group, Inc.
- 3. Approve the Installation of Underground Power at Riverdale Drive in Preparation for the Mississippi Skyway Project
4. Adopt Resolution #17-04-098 Supporting Anoka County's Mississippi West Regional Park, Master Plan Amendment
5. Adopt Resolution #17-04-097 Approving Joint Powers Agreement with Anoka County for Conveying Park Property and Constructing Riverdale Drive Extension
6. MOU: Arterial Infrastructure to Serve Ramsey's Future Business Park & Capstone Homes Development
7. Adopt Resolution #17-04-100 Authorizing Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #17-09, Bunker Lake Boulevard Utilities Extension
8. PSD LLC Business Park Proposal: Accept Business Subsidy Request Application and Call for Public Hearing
9. Approve Strategic Plan
10. Introduce Ordinance #17-04 Amending Irrigation Requirements (Project #17-104)
11. Adopt Resolution #17-04-096 Approving Contract for National Heritage Information System (NHIS) GIS Database
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 4-25-2017
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