- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. Promotion of Ramsey Police Officer Chris Curtis to the Rank of Sergeant in the Police Department
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive October 2016 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds
2. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending November 30, 2016
3. Schedule Public Hearing to Consider Adopting of 2017-2026 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
4. Approve Licenses
5. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 11/22/16
2. City Council Regular Dated 11/22/16
6. Adopt Resolution #16-12-243 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of November 17, 2016 Through December 7, 2016
7. Adopt Resolution #16-12-242 Ordering Feasibility Report for Improvement Project #17-02, 2017 Mill and Overlay Improvements
8. Adopt Resolution #16-12-244 to Re-Hire an Administrative Servicves Intern
9. Adopt Resolution #16-12-246 Approving Amended and Restated Development Contract (Partial Release) for Alpha Development/Former Legacy Christian Academy Project
10. Adopt Resolution #16-12-250 Approving Final Payment to Pearson Brothers, Inc. for Improvement Project #16-00 Division A, 2016 Crackseal and Sealcoat Improvements
11. Adopt Resolution #16-12-251 Approving Final Payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc. for Improvement Project #12-22, Riverdale Drive Extension/Reconstruction
12. Adopt Resolution #16-12-252 Approving Partial Payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc. for Improvement Project #16-95, Zeolite Street Storm Sewer Extension
13. Adopt Resolution #16-12-253 Approving Partial Payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc. for Improvement Project #13-10, Garnet Street and 168th Avenue Reconstruction
14. Report from Public Works Committee Dated November 15, 2016
1. Consideration of Recommending City Council Approval of Draft Water Supply Plan: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee that City Council Recommend that the Working Document of the Draft Water Supply Plan be Forwarded to the Environmental Policy Board and Planning Commission Before it is Reviewed by the City Council
- Committee/Staff Input
2. Update on Anoka County Highway Department Flashing Yellow Arrow Signal System Improvement Projects: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee that City Council Recommend that the Working Document of the Draft Water Supply Plan be Forwarded to the Environmental Policy Board and Planning Commission Before it is Revised by the City Council
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
1. Public Hearing on 2017 Tax Levies and General Fund Budget & Adopt Resolution #16-12-237 Adopting the 2016, Payable 2017 Municipal Tax Levy; Adopt Resolution #16-12-238 Adopting the 2017 General Fund Budget and Adopt Resolution #16-12-239 Adopting the 2017 Economic Development Authority (EDA) Budget
2. Public Hearing: Application for On-Sale, Sunday, and 2:00 a.m. Intoxicating Liquor License; Case of S&D Management, Inc. D/B/A Penalty Box Bar & Grill, 14077 St. Francis Boulevard NW, Ramsey
- 7. Council Business
1. Consider Request for a Non-Traditional Animal License to Maintain a Pot-Bellied Pig on the Property Located at 15830 Andrie St NW; Case of Tom & Edie Harer
2. Adopt Resolution #16-12-248 to Approve Position Reclassifications
3. Adopt Resolution #16-12-245 to Approve the City's 2017-2018 Union Contracts
4. Adopt Resolution #16-12-247 to Approve the City's 2017 Non-Union Health Insurance Contributions and Non-Union Cost of Living Adjustments
5. Introduce Ordinance #17-01 Amending Sign Standards for the Employment Districts to Allow a Second Ground Sign on Parcels with Multiple Road Frontages
6. Future Business Park: Consider Rezoning Hageman Holdings Site
7. Adopt Ordinance #16-14 Granting a Franchise to Qwest Broadband Services, Inc. D/B/A CenturyLink, to Construct, Operate, and Maintain a Cable System in the City of Ramsey
8. Authorize Application for Federal Funding, and Consider Final Design for the Mississippi Skyway
9. Adopt Resolution #16-12-228 Authorizing FASTLANE Funding Application for Ramsey Boulevard Railway Grade Separation Improvements
10. Consider Preliminary Approval of the City of Ramsey's Draft Water Supply Plan
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 12-13-2016
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