- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive September 2018 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds2. Note the Following Boards and Commission Meeting Minutes:
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated August 20, 2018
• Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes Dated September 13, 2018
• Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes Dated September 13, 2018
3. Approve Licenses
5. Adopt Resolution #18-224 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of October 4, 2018 Through October 17, 2018
6. Adopt Resolution #18-200 Site Plan and a Conditional Use Permit at 9500 156th Ave NW Allowing Outdoor Storage as a Principal Use Contingent Upon Compliance with the Staff Review and City Engineer Approval
7. Adopt Resolution #18-225 Approving Lease Agreement with Todd Bialon (EZ Auto)
8. Adopt Resolution #18-226 Approving 2019 Municipal Recycling Funding Request to Anoka County
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Resolution #18-223 Granting Revised Site Plan Approval of Regency Ponds Self Storage Facility
2. Consider Request for a Text Amendment to the B-1 and B-2 Business Districts and a Conditional Use Permit for the Operation of a Religious Institution in the B-1 General Business District (Project No. 18-151); Case of House of God Church
• Adopt Ordinance #18-15 (Zoning Text Amendment)
• Adopt Resolution #18-208 (Conditional Use Permit)
3. Consider Entering into MOU and Voluntary Cost Share Agreement with Anoka County Regional Economic Development Partnership
4. Provide Feedback on Preliminary plat Application for Shade Tree Cottages; Case of Shade Tree Communities
5. Adopt Resolution #18-217 Supporting Metropolitan Council Funded Study for Northwest Metropolitan Area Regional Surface Water Supply System
6. Adopt Resolution #18-218 Accepting Feasibility Report for Improvement Project #18-02, HY-10 Ramsey Street Reconstructions
7. Adopt Resolution #18-219 Accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering Public Hearing for Improvement Project #19-01, Ford Brook Estates Street Reconstructions
8. Adopt Resolution #18-220 Accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering Public Hearing for Improvement Projet #19-02, Brookview Estates Street Reconstructions
9. Adopt Resolution #18-221 Accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering Public Hearing for Improvement Project #19-03, Wood Pond Hills and Chestnut Ridge Street Reconstructions
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 10-23-2018
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