- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. Swearing In- Ceremony for Councilmember At-Large Chris Riley, Ward 1 Councilmember Nadine Heinrich and Ward 3 Councilmember Melody Shryock
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive November 2018 Financial Reports
2. Consider Actions to Allow Outside Storage at 6316 Riverdale Drive NW (Project No 18-155); Case of Rocky Mtn Investment, LLC
1. Introduce Ordinance #19-01 to Rezone Property from R-1 Residential (MUSA) to E-1 Employment
2. Adopt Resolution #19-002 Granting a Conditional Use Permit for Outside Storage as the Principal use of the Property
3. Adopt Resolution #19-003 Approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Reguide Property from Low Density Residential to Business Park
3. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes
1. City Council Work Session Dated 11/27/2018
2. City Council Regular Dated 11/27/2018
3. City Council Work Session Dated 12/11/2018
4. City Council Regular Dated 12/11/2018
4. Approve Licenses
5. Approval of Tuition Reimbursement
6. Adopt Resolution #19-009 Approving the City of Ramsey 2020 Budget Calendar
7. Adopt Resolution #19-021 Adopting 2019 Enterprise Fund Budgets
8. Adopt Resolution #19-019 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 6, 2018 Through December 28, 2018
9. Adopt Resolution #19-019 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 29, 2018 Through January 2, 2019
10. Adopt Resolution #19-013 Authorizing Final Payment to North Valley, Inc for Improvement Project 17-01, Alpine Drive Reconstruction
11. Adopt Resolution #19-014 Authorizing Final Payment to North Valley, Inc for Improvement Project 17-00, Sunwood Drive Reconstruction
12. Adopt Resolution #19-015 Approving an Extension of Cleanup and Code Enforcement Actions at 17290 Germanium St NW
13. Adopt Resolution #19-020 to Accept the City Administrator's Annual Performance Evaluation
14. Adopt Resolution #19-017 to Hire Paid-on-Call Firefighters
15. Adopt Resolution #19-004 Hiring Temporary Ice Rink Attendants
16. Report from Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee Held its Regular Meeting on December 18, 2018 and Discussed the Following Cases:
1. Highway 47 Landscaping Project: Ratify the Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Approve the Staff Recommendation and Forward Resolution #19-11 to he Full Council for Consideration
2. Consider Recommendation to City Council to Accept Petition Opposing Improvement Project #19-02, Brookview Estates Street Reconstructions: Ratify the Recommendation f the Public Works Committee to Accept the Petition as Valid and Direct Staff to Mail Letters to all Benefiting Property Owners to Clearly Define the Project, Ramifications of Signing the Petition and Operations to Withdraw their Signature if Desired
3. Review Drainage Concerns at 17290 Germanium Street NW: Ratify the Consensus of the Committee and Mr. Aberle for Mr. Thomsen to Complete the Driveway Improvements Including Grading and Two Eight-Inch Culverts, and for Staff to Collect Topographic Data Along Mr. Aberle's West Property Line and Around nd Adjacent to His Garage and Driveway
4. Consider Request to Modify Traffic Control at Bunker Lake Boulevard, Puma Street and Rabbit Street Intersection: Ratify the Consensus of the Committee to Leave the Stop Signs as is for the Time Being
Staff Updates on Improvement Projects and Items of Interest: City Engineer Westby Noted that the January Public Works Committee Meeting has been Canceled as there is a Conflict with the Road Funding Open House on January 15, 2109
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Resolution #19-001 for 2019 Council Organization; Resolution #19-006 Designating Financial Institutions as Official Depositories of City Funds for 2019; Resolution #19-007 Authorizing Signatures for Financial Transactions and Resolution #19-008 Designating Bank of the West as Official Financial Institution for the City of Ramsey Banking Services for the Year of 2019
2. Adopt Resolution #19-012 Accepting Petition Opposing Brookview Estates Street Reconstructions, Improvement Project #19-02
3. Adopt Resolution #19-010 to Promote a Community Service Officer to Patrol Filling the Current Vacancy
4. Adopt Resolution #19-022 to Hire a Part-Time Recreation Specialist
5. Adopt Resolution #19-018 to Hire a Full-Time Firefighter / Fire Inspector
6. Adopt Resolution #19-023 Approving Proposed Policy Changes for Code Enforcement Program
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment