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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda 1. Receive November 2015 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds 2. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending December 31, 2015 3. Receive 2015 Building Division Month End Reports: January - December 4. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session dated 12/08/2015 2. City Council Regular dated 12/08/2015 5. Approve Licenses 6. Approve Extension of Contract with The Tinklenberg Group for Ramsey US Trunk Highway 10 Improvement Development Plan 7. Approve Extension of Contract for Civil Legal Services with the Firm of Ratwik, Roszak, & Maloney, P.A. 8. Approve Request to Declare Surplus Property 9. Authorize Tenant to Submit a Building Permit Application for Food Prep Room Improvements in Relation to a Lease Agreement at 6701 Highway 10 10. Authorize Tenant to Submit a Sign Permit Application in Relation to a Lease Agreement at 6701 Highway 10 11. Adopt Resolution #16-01-011 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 3, 2015 through December 30, 2015 12. Adopt Resolution # 16-01-021 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 31, 2015 through January 6, 2016 13. Adopt Resolution #16-01-014 Approving the City of Ramsey's 2017 Budget Calendar 14. Adopt Resolution #16-01-001 for 2016 Council Organization; Resolution #16-01-015 Designating Financial Institutions as Official Depositories of City Funds for 2016; Resolution #16-01-017 Designating Bank of the West as Official Financial Institution for the City of Ramsey Banking Services for the Year of 2016; and Resolution #16-01-016 Authorizing Signatures for Financial Transactions 15. Adopt Resolution #16-01-010 Appointing Election Judges for the Special General Election on February 9, 2016 16. Adopt Resolution #16-01-028 Requesting Anoka County to Withhold Certain Tax Forfeit Land from Public Sale and Authorizing Acquisition of Tax Forfeit Property (PIN 25-32-25-24-0057) for Public Purpose and Adopt Resolution #16-01-029 Approving the Classification and Sale of Tax-Forfeit Parcel (PIN 24-32-25-33-0061) in the City of Ramsey 17. Adopt Resolution #16-01-002 Approving Partial Payment to Brennan Construction of MN, Inc. for IP #14-30 Fire Station #2 18. Adopt Resolution #16-01-009 Approving Partial Payment to Kuechle Underground for IP 13-10 Garnet Street and 168th Avenue Reconstruction 19. Adopt Resolution #16-01-018 Approving Change Order #1 and Authorizing Final Payment to Douglas-Kerr Underground for IP 14-24; Center Street 20. Adopt Resolution #16-01-019 Approving Final Payment to Pearson Brothers, Inc. for IP 15-00; 2015 Street Maintenance Program Division A 21. Adopt Resolution #16-01-020 Approving Final Payment to Hardrives, Inc. for IP 15-00; 2015 Street Maintenance Program - Division B 22. Adopt Resolution #16-01-022 to Accept the City Administrator's Annual Performance Evaluation and Professional Development Plan 23. Adopt Resolution #2016-01-023 to Ratify the 2016 Budgeted Paid-on-call Firefighter Wage Increase 24. Adopt Resolution #16-01-024 to Hire Temporary Ice Rink Attendants 25. Adopt Resolution #16-01-025 to Ratify Four Budgeted Position Reclassifications 26. Adopt Resolution #16-01-026 to Ratify the 2016 Budgeted Non-Union Health Insurance Contributions and Non-Union Cost of Living Adjustments 27. Adopt Resolution # 16-01-027 to Ratify a Budgeted Market Rate Adjustment for Two Union Positions
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Introduce Ordinance #16-02 Vacating Permanent Road Easement over a Portion of 14911 Ramsey Blvd NW and the Parcel to the North with a Property Identification Number (PIN) 22-32-25-33-0017
- 7. Council Business
- 1. Introduce Ordinance #16-1 Establishing an Administrative Grading Permit for Grading that Involves the Addition or Removal of Between 40 Cubic Yards and 400 Yards of Earth Material
- 2. Adopt Resolution #01-003 Accepting Feasibility Report and Ordering Public Hearing for Improvement Project #16-00, Division C; Andrie Street and 164th Lane Reconstruction
- 3. Adopt Resolution #16-01-004 Ordering Feasibility Report for Improvement Project #16-36, Business Park 95 Regional Stormwater Pond Outlet Improvements
- 4. Approve the Extension of the Contract for Civil Legal Services With the Firm of Ratwik, Roszak, & Maloney, P.A.
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment