- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Roll Call
- 4. Approval of Agenda
- 5. Approval of August 17, 2020 Meeting Minutes (Exhibit 1)
- 6. Open Forum
- 7. New Business
A. Project 2020-19: Lot Split (Exhibit 2)
A Request from Travis Perkins for a Lot Split on the Property Located at 1124 West River Road (PID 2912021230091). The Proposed Lot Split Creates a New Single-Family Residential Lot
B. Project 2020-14: PUD Amendment (Exhibit 3)
A Request from Craig Hanson, Real Assets II LLC, for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment to Permit a Convalescent and Memory Care, Hospice and High Acuity Medical Care Facilities of up to 50 Units on the Northern Part of Outlot E Emery Village (PID 301202140031)
- 8. Other Business
A. Report on City Council Action September 14, 2020
- 9. Adjournment