- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Roll Call
- 4. Role of the Planning Commission
- 5. Approval of Agenda
- 6. Approval of Minutes
A. May 2017 Regular Meeting and May 30th Special Meeting Minutes (Exhibit #1 and Exhibit #2)
- 7. Open Forum
A. Response to Inquiry form Mr. James Buesing, 11906 Mississippi Drive
- 8. Public Hearings
A. Project 2017-13B: Conditional Use Permit Amendment (Exhibit 3)
A Request from Tom DeQuattro, Owner of Willy McCoy's Bar and Grill Located at 12450 Business Park Boulevard, for and Amendment to a Conditional Use Permit for Extending Bar Hours and Live Music on the Outdoor Patio
- 9. Other Business
- 10. Adjournment