- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Roll Call
- 4. Role of the Planning Commission
- 5. Approval of Agenda
- 6. Approval of April Meeting Minutes (Exhibit #1)
- 7. Open Forum
- 8. Public Hearings
A. Project 2019-10: Preliminary Plat (Exhibit 2)
A Request from Mike Avery, MT Builders, Inc., and the City of Champlin for a Preliminary Plat for a Five-Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision. The Proposed Project, Known as Avery Estates, is Located at 11261 West River Road. The Legal Description of Said Properties is Lots 16 and 17, Block 1, WEST RIVER PARK
B. Project 2019-07: Zoning Ordinance Amendment (Exhibit 3)
A Request from Andrew Moffitt to Amend Section 126-381 of the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Accessory Buildings
- 9. Other Business
- 10. Adjournment