- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Approval of Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes
- 5. Announcements
A. Spring Brochure has been Mailed
B. Warming Houses (TBD)
C. Ice Forum Section Games Feb 23rd and 25th
D. Father Hennepin Festival June 9, 10 and 11th
E. Bounce House Event Andrews Park July 15th
- 6. Resident Forum
- 7. Approve Mutual Agreement
- 8. Approve Farmers Market Bylaws
- 9. Approve Andrews Field #5 Plans and Specification and Order Bids
- 10. Approve Warming House Plans and Specifications and Order Bids
- 11. Park and Recreation Updates
A. Feasibility Study Champlin Ice Forum
B. Disc Golf Course and Gates at Galloway
C. Warming House Improvements
D. Field #5 Lighting Project Andrews
E. Trail Project 2016/17
- 12. Adjournment