- Champlin EDA Agenda
1. Call to Order - 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes
June 27, 2016 Regular Session
July 7, 2016 Worksession/Tour
July 11, 2016 Worksession
1. Purchase Agreement: United Properties
- 5. Adjournment
- Champlin City Council Agenda
1. Call to Order - 2.Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes:
August 8, 2016 Worksession
August 8, 2016 Regular Meeting
- 6. Bills:
August 22, 2016
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Consent Agenda
1. Resolution NO. 2016-57 Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of the Assessment Roll for the Brittany Drive Area Mill and Overlay (Improvement Project No. 21508)
2. Approve Appointment to Vacant Public Service Worker Position
3. Approve Change Order No. 1 for Mississippi River Shoreline Stabilization (Improvement Project No. 21509)
- 9. Open Forum
- 10. Public Hearings
4. Approve Resolution No. 2016-58 Amending Resolution No. 2016-51 with Respect to the Issuance, Sale and Delivery of its Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes in an Aggregate Principal Amount not to Exceed $31,000,000 to Finance the Legends of Champlin Project; Adopting a Second Amended and Restated Housing Program Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C; and Approving the Revised Forms of and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of the Multifamily Housing Revenue Notes and Related Documents
- 11. New Business
5. Resolution No. 2016-59 Approving the Preliminary and Final Plat for Emery Reserve 2nd Addition: CALCO COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT LLC (Project 2016-17)
6. First Reading of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to Section 126-195 Permitting Lot Splits of Non-Conforming Two-Famly Lots: City of Champlin (Project 2016-17)
7. Waive First Reading and Conduct Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 769 Amending Section 126-9 of the Zoning Ordinance Opting out of the Temporary Family Healthy Care Dwellings Statute (Minn. Stat. 462.3593): City of Champlin (Project 2016-19)
8. Resolution No. 2016-60 Accepting the Feasibility Study and Ordering a Public Hearing for 2017 Street Improvements (Improvement Project No. 21603)
9. Approve Plans and Memorandum of Understanding for West Mississippi Watershed Management Organization Iron and Biochar-Enhanced Filter Project
- 12. Adjournment