- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda / Minutes
- Open Forum
- PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Project 2020-19: Preliminary Plat Perkins Estates (Exhibit 2) A request from Travis Perkins for a preliminary plat of the property located at 1124 West River Road (PID 2912021230091). The plat creates one new single-family residential lot.
- Public Hearings: B. Project 2021-02: Preliminary Plat Emery Village 5th Addition (Exhibit 3) A request from Rachel Development, for planning applications including: comprehensive plan amendment, rezoning, final PUD plan, preliminary plat, site plan review, and conditional use permit for convalescent home/memory care at Outlot E, Emery Village (PID: 3012021430031).
- OTHER BUSINESS A. Mutual Expectations and Pledge to Residents (Exhibit 4) B. City Council actions February 22, 2021: a. Approved First reading of Text amendment to Section 126-161 of the Zoning Ordinance regarding architectural standards for commercial, industrial, and multi-family buildings b. Approved final plat of Cedars of Elm Creek Third Addition
- Adjournment