- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes: August 22, 2016 Regular Meeting
- 6. Bills: September 12, 2016
- 7. Annoucements
- 8. Consent Agenda
1. Resolution No. 2016-61 Ordering Assessment Hearing for South Diamond Lake Road, Dupue Drive, Mississippi View Estates, and Dayton Road (Improvement Project No. 20813)
2. Change Order No. 1 for South Diamond Lake Road, Dupue Drive, Mississippi View Estates and Dayton Road (Improvement Project No. 20813)
3. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 770 Amending Section 126-195 Permitting Lot Splits of Non-Conforming Two-Family Dwellings: City of Champlin (Project 2016-18)4. Massage Therapist License for Summit Chiropractic
5. Accept Resignation of Accounting Clerk III
6. Reschedule October 10th Council Meeting to October 11th Due to Columbus Day Holiday
7. Resolution NO. 2016-62 Removing Street Lighting and Storm Sewer Fees Certified to Taxes for 6020 - 117th Avenue North
8. Approve 2017 Hennepin County Assessing Contract
9. Approve Lease Agreement with Sprint Spectrum Realty Company for Water Tower #2
- 9. Open Forum
- 10. New Business
10. Resolution No. 2016-63 Adopting the 2017 Preliminary Budget and Tax Levy and Establishing Budget Public Hearing Dates and Resolution No. 2016-64 Approving Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Economic Development Activities for Fiscal Year 2017
- 11. Adjournment