- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes:
August 28, 2017 Worksession
August 28, 2017 Regular Session
- 6. Bills:
September 11, 2017
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Special Presentations
1. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 9. Consent Agenda
2. Resolution No. 2017-90 Declaring Cost to be Assessed, and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment for the 2017 Street Improvements (Improvement Project No. 21603)
3. Resolution No. 2017-91 Accepting the Bid and Awarding the Contract for the Cartway Road Trail (Improvement Project No. 21703)
4. Approve Amendment to the Interim Acting Compensation Proposal
- 10. Open Forum
- 11. Public Hearings
5. Resolution No. 2017-92 Approving an On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor and Sunday Liquor License for JLM, LLC (D.B.A. Pour Wine Bar & Bistro)
6. Resolution No. 2017-93 Approving an Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License for JLM, LLC (D.B.A. Pour Bottle Shop)
- 12. New Business
7. Resolution No. 2017-94 Approving a Site Plan and Conditional use Permit for a 10,793 Square Foot Child Care Facility on Lot 3, Block 1, Elm Creek Commons: Interplan LLC (Project 2017-18)
8. Resolution No. 2017-95 Adopting 2018 Preliminary Budget and Tax Levy and Establishing Budget Public Hearing Date and Resolution No. 2017-96 Approving Preliminary Property Tax Levy for Economic Development Activities for Fiscal Year 2018
- 13. Adjournment