- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes:
August 14, 2017 Worksession
August 14, 2017 Regular Session
August 21, 2017 Worksession
- 6. Bills
August 28, 2017
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Special Presentations
1. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 9. Consent Agenda
2. Resolution No. 2017-71 Declaring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering Preparation of Proposed Assessment for Anderson Estates and The Preserve at Elm Creek 2nd and 3rd Additions (Improvement Project No. 21702)
3. Resolution No. 2017-72 Issuing a Negative Declaration of Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for The Mill Pond Shoreline and Aquatic Habitat Restoration Project (Improvement Project 21311)
4. Approve Amendments to the Champlin Cemetery Rules and Regulations
- 10. Open Forum
- 11. Unfinished Business
5. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 784 Rezoning Outlot A, Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 785 Rezoning Lot 1, Block 1 Applewood Pointe, Resolution No. 2017-73 Approving the Final Planned Unit Development Plan and Resolution No. 2017-74 Approving the Final Plat for an 85 Unit Senior Housing Development Known as Applewood Pointe of Champlin at Mississippi Crossings: United Properties (Project 2017-09)
- 12. Public Hearings
6. Resolution Nos. 2017-75 - 2017-86 Vacating Easements Encumbering the Plat of Mississippi Crossings: United Properties
7. Resolution No. 2017-87 Vacating Portions of Right-of-Way for East River Entry and Resolution No. 2017-88 Vacating Portions of Right-of-Way for East River Parkway: United Properties
- 13. New Business
8. Resolution No. 2017-89 Ordering a Feasibility Study for Street Improvements Within the Charest Woodlawn Addition (Improvement Project No. 21801)
- 14. Adjournment