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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes
April 27, 2020 Regular Session
- 6. Bills
May 11, 2020
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Special Presentations
1. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 9. Consent Agenda
3. Approve Change Order No. 1 for White Oaks Addition/Rosemill Lane Area (Improvement Project No. 21803) and Westwood North 2nd Addition/2019 Xylon Avenue Rehabilitation Project (Improvement Project No. 21701)
- 10. Open Forum
- 11. Public Hearings
4. Resolution No. 2020-43 Approving the Tap Room and Brewery Off-Sale Liquor License for Elm Creek Brewing Company
- 12. New Business
5. Resolution No. 2020-44 Denying a Request for a Variance to Exceed maximum Accessory Building Square Footage for Property Located at 10902 River Pines Drive North: Value Homes, LLC (Project 2020-02)
- 13. Adjournment