- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
1. Resolution No. 2017-32 Appointing Ward 2 Councinmember
- 5. Oath of Office
- 6. Minutes:
March 23, 2017 Worksession
March 27, 2017 Regular Session
March 29, 2017 Work Session
- 7. Bills:
April 10, 2017
- 8. Announcements
- 9. Special Presentations
2. Presentation of Anoka-Champlin Fire Department Annual Report
3. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 10. Consent Agenda
4. Approve Administrative Operating Procedures, Council/Staff Mutual Expectations, and Pledge to Residents
5. Resolution No. 2017-33 Accepting the Bid and Awarding the Contract for the 2017 Street Improvements (Improvement Project No. 21603)
6. Approve Change Order No. 2 for South Diamond Lake Road, Dupue Drive, Mississippi View Estates, and Dayton Road (Improvement Project No. 20813)
- 11. Open Forum
- 12. Public Hearings
7. Resolution No. 2017-34 Approving the 2017 Mill Pond Drawdown
- 13. New Business
8. Resolution No. 2017-35 Approving a Land Use Amendment, First Reading of an Ordinance Rezoning fro Residential Agricultural (R-A) to Single Family Residential (R-1) and Resolution No. 2017-36 Approving a Preliminary Plat for a Five Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision Known as Galloway Estates: City of Champlin (Project 2017-03)
- 14. Adjournment