- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes
February 13, 2017 Work Session
February 13, 2017 Regular Session
- 6. Bills
February 27, 2017
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Special Presentations
1. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 9. Consent Agenda
2. Approve Engineering and Construction Related Services for the Mill Pond Restoration (Improvement Project No. 21311)
2. Appointments to Environmental Resources Commission (ERC)
- 10. Open Forum
4. Mill Pond Gables Concern
- 11. Unfinished Business
5. Resolution No. 2017-17 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement of Bids for the 2017 Street Improvements (Improvement Project No. 21603)
- 12. New Business
6. Resolution No. 2017-18 Accepting the Feasibility Study and Ordering the Public Hearing for Elm Creek Parkway Street and Trail Improvements (Improvement Project No. 21705)
7. Resolution No. 2017-19 Accepting the Feasibility Study and Ordering the Public Hearing for Mill and Overlay Improvements Within Anderson Estates and The Preserve at Elm Creek 2nd Addition (Improvement Project No. 21702)
- 8. Adjournment