- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 4. Minutes
November 28, 2016 Worksession
November 28, 2016 Regular Session
- 5. Bills:
December 12, 2016
- 6. Announcements
- 7. Special Presentations
1. Presentation of Police Department Awards and Commendations
2. 2016 Adopt-A-Park Participant Recognition
3. Overview of Worksession Discussion
- 8. Consent Agenda
4. Resolution No. 2016-83 Ordering the Feasibility Study for Mill and Overlay Improvements Within Anderson Estates (Improvement Project No. 21702)
5. Resolution No. 2016-84 Accepting the LCCMR/ENRTF Grant Agreement for Restoration of the Mill Pond (Improvement Project No. 21311)
6. Accept Land Conveyance
7. Approve 2017-2026 Capital Improvement Plan
8. Resolution No. 2016-85 Accepting Donations Received by the City of Champlin in 2016
9. Resolution No. 2016-86 Amending 2016 Adopted Budget
10. Approve 2017 Business Licenses
11. Champlin Utility Round Up Program
12. Appoitnment of Advisory Person to Ward 1 Council Candidate Interview Panel
13. Resolution No. 2016-87 Adopting City of Champlin Data Practices Procedures Policy
14. Approve 2017-2019 Teamsters Labor Agreement
15. Approve 2016 Update to the Financial Management Plan
- 9. Open Forum
- 10. Public Hearings
16. Resolution No. 2016-88 Adopting the 2017 Budget and Establishing Fund Appropriations, Resolution No. 2016-89 Approving a Tax Levy for 2017 Operating Budget Appropriations, and Resolution No. 2016-90 Approving a Tax Levy for 2017 EDA Operating Budget Appropriations
- 11. New Business
17. First Reading of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article II, Section 2-24 of the City Code Regarding Terms and Transition
- 12. Administrative Presentations
18. Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation to Outgoing Mayor and Councilmembers
- 13. Adjournment