- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Pledge of Allegiance
- 3. Introductions/Roll Call
- 4. Agenda
- 5. Minutes: February 22, 2016 Regular Meeting February 23, 2016 Work Plan Priority Worksession March 5, 2016 Legislative Worksession
- 6. Bills: March 14, 2016
- 7. Announcements
- 8. Consent Agenda 1. Appointment of Public Service Worker: Utilities 2. Resolution No. 2016-16 Accepting the Bid and Awarding the Contract for the 2016 Crack Seal Project (Improvement Project No. 21601) 3. Tobacco and Gasoline Sales License for Nilkanth Gas LLC (11660 Winnetka Avenue North) 4. Consider Awarding 2016 Street Sweeping Contract 5. Establish Joint Meeting with City of Dayton on Tuesday, April 19th 6. Schedule Closed Session to Discuss Employee Contract Settlement Proposal
- 9. Open Forum
- 10. Public Hearings 7. Resolution No. 2016-17 Granting Preliminary Authorization to the Issuance of Revenue Bonds or Other Obligations Under Minnesota Statues, Chapter 462C, as Amended, to Finance the Costs of a Multifamily Housing Development for Seniors; approving a Housing Program with Respect Thereto; Establishing Compliance with Certain Reimbursement Regulations Under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as Amended; and Taking Certain Other Actions
- 11. Unfinished Business 8. Resolution No. 2016-18 Approving the Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement of Bids for the SCADA System - Phase I (Improvement Project No. 21405)
- 12. New Business
- 9. Resolution No. 2016-19 Approving a Preliminary Plat for a Two-Lot Single Family Residential Subdivision at 11090 Douglas Drive: Michael Gervais (Project 2016-01)
- 10. Resolution No. 2016-20 Approving a Variance Allowing a Six Foot Tall Privacy Fence in the Front Yard Setback on Lot 1, Block 1, Reserve at Elm Creek and Approval of a Right-of-Way Encroachment for the Fence: Dingman Construction (Project 2016-02)
- 11 Adjournment