- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Introductions/Roll Call
- Agenda
- Minutes: October 8, 2015 Budget Worksession November 18, 2015 Budget Worksession #2 November 18, 2015 Work Plan Priority Meeting November 23, 2015 Regular Meeting
- Bills: December 14, 2015
- Annoucements
- The December 28th Council Meeting has Been Cancelled
- City Hall will be Closed at noon on Thursday, December 24th and all Day on Friday, December 25th for the Christmas Holiday and on Friday, January 1st for the New Years Holiday
- Council Worksession - Monday, January 11th at 5:45 pm in the Council Conference Room
- City Council Meeting - Monday, January 11th at 7:00 pm in the Council Chambers
- Special Presentations
- 1. Oath of Office for New Police Officers and Sergeant
- Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to 2015 Adopt-A-Park Participants
- Presentation of Donation from the Champlin Park Youth Hockey Association
- Consent Agenda
- Resolution No. 2015-91 Accepting Donations Received by the City of Champlin in 2015
- Adopt 2016-2025 Capital Improvement Plan
- Approve 2016 Lease with Willy McCoys for Concession Services at Andres Park Softball Complex
- Cancel December 28th City Council Meeting
- Resolution No. 2015-92 Amending 2015 Budget
- Annual Update for Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program Outreach
- Resolution No. 2015-93 Approving Master Partnership Agreement Between the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) and the City of Champlin
- Resolution No. 2015-94 Accepting the Bid and Awarding the Contract for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation (Improvement Project No. 21204)
- Approve 2016 Business Licenses
- Waive First Reading, Conduct Second Reading, Adopt and Authorize publication Summary of Ordinance No. 759 Adopting 2015 Building Code and Authorize Publication Summary
- Waive First Reading, Conduct Second Reading, Adopt and Authorize publication Summary of Ordinance No. 760 Amending the Zoning Ordinance Regarding Accessory Buildings (Project 2015-20): City of Champlin
- Approve Extension to Engineering Services Agreement for 2016-2020
- Approve 2016-2020 Refuse and Recycling Service Contract
- Resolution No. 2015-95 Related to the Waste Delivery Agreement with Hennepin County
- Waive First Reading, Conduct Second Reading and Adopt Ordinance No. 761 Amending Chapter 22: Fees
- Open Forum
- Public Hearings
- Waive First Reading, Conduct Second Reading, Adopt & Authorize Publication Summary of Ordinance Nos. 762, 763, 764, and 765 Amending Gas & Electric Franchise Fees
- Waive First Reading, Conduct Second Reading and Adopt Ordinance No. 766 Amending Chapter 58 - Storm Water Utility Fees
- Resolution No. 2015-96 Adopting the 2016 Budget and Establishing Fund Appropriations, Resolution No. 2015-97 Approving a Tax Levy for 2016 EDA Operating Budget Appropriations
- Resolution No. 2015-99 Approving the Vacation of a Five Foot Drainage and Utility Easement Over Lot 3, Block 1, Norma Terrace: Jack Washburn (Project 2015-25)
- New Business
- Resolution No. 2015-100 Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement of Bids for the Mississippi River Shoreline Stabilization (Improvement Project No. 21509)
- Council Presentations 24. Planning Commission Appointment
- Adjournment