- I. Call to Order
- II. Roll Call
- III. Approval of the Agenda
- IV. Approval of Minutes
A. October 11th, 2021 Regular Meeting
- V. Open Forum
- VI. New Business
A. Approval of Letter of Intent Between H.J. Development, LLP and City of Anoka Housing and Redevelopment Authority Regarding Purchase of Approximately 1.41 Acres of Land at 7th Avenue and Main Street
- B. Contract Amendment No. 13 to the Loan Origination Agreement Between City of Anoka HRA and Center for Energy & Environment
- VII. Unfinished Business
A. Home Improvement Loan Marketing Update
- B. Other Updates
- VIII. Discussion Items
- IX. Tentative Agenda Items for Future Meeting
A. 2021 Accomplishments/2022 Goals
- X. Adjournment