- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Citizen Input
- 3. Approve Agenda
- 4. Approve Minutes
1. Approve the December 7, 2017 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
- 5. Public Hearing
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment, and Site Plan for Ramsey Elementary Campus 2 (Project #17-109)
- 6. Commission Business
1. Consider Sketch Plan Review for Affinity at Ramsey (Project #17-142); Case of Inland Group
2. Receive Update on Variance Request Located at 7214 167th Ter NW; Case of Brandon Sis
- 7. Comprehensive Plan Update Items
1. Review Draft Economic Development Chapter of Comprehensive Plan
2. Review Draft Natural Resources Chapter of Comprehensive Plan
- 8. Commission/Staff Input
1. Zoning Bulletins
- 9. Adjournment