- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Citizen Input
- 3. Approve Agenda
- 4. Approve Minutes
1. Approve Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes
- 5. Commission Business
1. Recommend Park Dedication and Trail Fees for the Proposed Villas at North Fork Subdivision; Case of Paxmar, LLC
2. Preliminary Approvals Related to Proposed North Fork Meadows Subdivision; Case of Paxmar, LLC (Project No. 17-126)
1. Introduce Ordinance #17-16 Approving a Conditional Zoning Amendment to Planned Unit Development
2. Adopt Resolution #17-10-276 Authorizing Conditional Rezoning Agreement
3. 2017 Summer Event Series Recap
4. Consider Vacating Pedestrian Trail Easement on Lot 6, Block 3, Wildlife Sanctuary Third Addition
5. 2018-2027 Parks Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan
6. Recommend Cash Contribution Rates for Park Dedication and Trail Fees for 2018
- 6. Commission/Staff Input
1. Commission/Staff Input
- 7. Adjournment