- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
1. Approve Meeting Minutes for August 8, 2019
- 4. EDA Business
1. Consider Revised Recommendation for Draft 2020 Preliminary EDA Budget and Levy
2. Respond to Property Owner Request to Consider Purchase of 8100 146th Avenue NW (Portions of Meeting May be Closed to the Public Under Minnesota Statutes Section 13.D.05 Subdivision 3(c)(3) to Consider Purchase of Real Property)
3. Discuss Potential Tungsten District Redevelopment Study Located in the South East Quadrant of Sunfish Lake Boulevard and Highway 10/169 Related to the Ramsey Gateway Study
4. Consider Site Selection Options for New Hotel Concept
5. Approve Program Outline, Speakers and Emcee for 2019 EDA Business Networking Event
6. Consider State of Minnesota Economic Development Marketing Opportunity
7. Review Draft COR Area Real Estate Marketing Map
- 5. Member/Staff Input
- 6. Adjournment