- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
1. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. EDA Regular Meeting - March 8, 2018
- 4. EDA Businesss
1. Affinity Apartment Project: Resolution #18-061 Approving a TIF Agreement
2. Affinity Apartment Project: Multiple Actions
3. ALDI Purchase Agreement: Preliminary review
4. Aeon Purchase Agreement, Phase II, Amendment I
5. Centra Homes Purchase Agreement: Multiple Actions
6. Authorize Staff to Complete Three Shovel Ready Certifications
7. Review Draft Comprehensive Plan Update
8. Review Update on Development Projects
- 5. Member/Staff Input
1. Training Opportunities Update
2. Business Retention and Expansion Update
- 6. Adjournment