- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
1. Approve Meeting Minutes for February 14, 2019
- 4. EDA Business
1. Appoint Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
2. Consider Purchase Agreement for 6590 141st Avenue NW; Case of MDBNK, LLC (All Seasons Garage Door)
3. Consider Purchase Agreement with Knoll Properties, LLC (Portions May be Closed to the Public)
4. Review Site Concept and Recommendation for Public Hearing for Delta ModTech
5. Review Concept Plan for Zeolite/Bunker Townhomes; Case of Lennar
6. Review Strategy for Listing City-Owned Land for Sale
7. Receive Update and Feedback on City Marketing Materials
- 5. Member/Staff Input
- 6. Adjournment