- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
1. Approve Meeting Minutes for September 10, 2020
- 4. EDA Business
1. Consider Lease Agreement for 6701 HWY 10 NW to Mille Lacs Motor Sports II (Power Lodge)(Portions of Meeting may be closed to the public)
2. Consider Purchase Agreement for Outlot B, Alpha Development 2nd Addition; Case of US Home Corporation (Portions may be closed to the public)
3. Consider Lease Agreement for 6701 Hwy 10 NW: Case of Connections Church (Portions may be closed to the public)
4. Consider Purchase Agreement for Outlot B, COR Stone Brook Academy; Case of Stories Foundation (Portions may be closed to the public)
5. Consider Recommendation of Support for Telecommuter Forward! Certification
- 5. Member/Staff Input
- 6. Adjournment