- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
- 4. EDA Business
4.1. Consider Purchase Agreement for Outlot A, Gigi Addition; Case of Schiebout Family Limited Partnership (Portions may be closed to the public)
- 4.2. Consider Purchase Agreement for Part of Outlot C, Affinity at COR; Case of COR Trust Bank (Portions may be closed to the public)
- 4.3. Consider Amendment to Form of Right of Re-Entry Agreement for Lots 1 and 3, Block 1, Riverside West Rearrangement; Case of Reliable Holdings LLC (Portions may be closed to the public)
- 4.4. Recommend 2023 EDA Budget and Levy
- 5. Member/Staff Input
- 6. Adjournment