- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Approve Agenda
- 3. Approve Minutes
1. Approve Meeting Minutes for November 12, 2020
- 4. EDA Business
1. Consider Second Amendment to Purchase Agreement with Gigi's Salon and Spa, Inc. (Portions of case may be closed to the public)
2. Consider Loan Application for Restaurant Subsidy Program: Water Availability Charge Program for Pleasant Valley Sunrise Group LLC dba Aurelio's Pizza
3. Anoka Area Chamber of Commerce: Manufacture Cohort: 2020-2021 Renewal
4. Consider Water Treatment Plant Site Selection Recommendation
5. Center Street Area Framework and Policy Plan
6. Receive 2020 Business Retention and Expansion Presentation
7. City of Ramsey 2020 Covid-19 Business Assistance Program Summary
- 5. Member/Staff Input
1. Receive Update on Ramsey Gateway Project (US Highway 10/169 Plan)
- 6. Adjournment