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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda 1. Receive Cash and Investments for the Period Ending February 29, 2016 2. Receive January 2016 Financial Reports - General, EDA and Enterprise Funds 3. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session dated 02/23/2016 City Council Regular dated 02/23/2016 4. Adopt Resolution #16-03-047 Approving a Beekeeping License for the Property Located at 4720 155th Lane NW; Case of Everett Carder 5. Adopt Resolution #16-03-043 Amending 2015 General Fund Budget 6. Adopt Resolution #16-03-044 Amending 2015 Economic Development (EDA) Budget 7. Adopt Resolution #16-03-045 Amending 2015 Enterprise Fund Budgets and Adopt Resolution #16-03-046 Adopting 2016 Enterprise Fund Budgets 8. Adopt Resolution # 16-03-049 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of February 18, 2016 through March 3. 2016 9. Adopt Resolution 16-03-052 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Advertisements for Bids for 2016 Inflow and Infiltration Reduction Project # 16-65 10. Adopt Resolution #16-03-053 Supporting Principles for Reform of the Metropolitan Council 11. Report from Public Works Committee dated February 16, 2016. 1. Nominate Chair and Vice-Chair of the Public Works Committee: Ratify the recommendation of the Public Works Committee to appoint Chris Riley as Chair, and Jill Johns as Vice-Chair of the Public Works Committee effective April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017. 2. Review Feasibility Report for Improvement Project #16-36, Business Park 95 Regional Stormwater Pond Outlet Improvements: Ratify the recommendation of the Public Works Committee to recommend that the City Council approve the Feasibility Report as drafted. 3. Consider Increasing Traffic Control Measures For Dysprosium St. Between Nowthen Boulevard and CR 116: Ratify the recommendation of the Public Works Committee to recommend City Council approve staff recommendation to work with the Police Department to schedule placement of the speed trailer in the area, and increased police presence as schedules permit.
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
- 1. Highway 10 Update
- 2. Approve Third Amendment to the Existing Lease Agreement Between the City of Ramsey and Pro Power Sports
- 3. Adopt Resolution #16-03-050 to Hire the City's New Fire Chief/Emergency Management Director
- 4. Adopt Resolution #16-03-051 to Hire a Public Works Streets Maintenance Worker
- 5. Review DRAFT 2016 City of Ramsey Resident Survey
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 6. Adjournment