- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. 2016 Happy Days Festival Recap Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive August 2016 Financial Reports- General Fund and Enterprise Funds
2. Note the Following Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes:
• Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Dated July 14, 2016 and August 17, 2016
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated July 18, 2016
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated July 21, 2016 and August 4, 2016
• Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes Dated August 4, 2016
3. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 09/13/2016
2. City Council Regular Dated 09/13/2016
4. Approve Licenses
5. Adopt Resolution #16-09-166 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of September 8, 2016 Through September 21, 2016
6. Adopt Resolutions #16-09-153 and #16-09-154 Granting a Conditional Use Permit to the Property Located at 8855 176th Ave NW; Case of Jason and Susan Nordquist
7. Adopt Resolution #16-09-171 Accepting Cash Donations to be Applied Toward the Happy Days Festival Fund
8. Adopt Resolution #16-09-172 Authorizing Partial Payment to Douglas-Kerr Underground, LLC for IP 16-00 Division C; Andrie St - 164th Lane Reconstruction
9. Adopt Resolution #16-09-176 Authorizing Partial Payment to Pearson Bros. for IP #16-00 Division A; 2016 Crackseal and Sealcoat Improvements
10. Adopt Resolution #16-09-177 Authorizing Partial Payment to Allied Blacktop Co. for IP #16-00 Division A1; 2016 Crackseal and Sealcoat Improvements
11. Adopt Resolution #16-09-178 to Hire Engineering Interns
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
1. Public Hearing and Adopt Resolution #16-09-167 Adopting Assessments for Past-Due Charges on Municipal Utility Bills and Current Services Rendered
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Resolution #16-09-168 Adopting Proposed 2017 Payable Tax Levies (General, EDA & Debt Service) and Schedule Public Meeting for December 13, 2016
2. Adopt Resolutions #16-09-169 Adopting Proposed 2017 General Fund Budget and Resolution #16-09-170 Adopting Proposed 2017 EDA Budget
3. Adopt Ordinance #16-08 Amending Chapter 34 of the City Code Known as the Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions Chapter by Adding Section 34-23 Predatory Offender Residency Restrictions
4. Approve Authorizing of Application for Designation as a Snowmobile Friendly Community
5. Adopt Resolution #16-09-173 Approving Change Order #1 for 2016 Mill and Overlay Improvements; Improvement Project 16-00 Division B
6. Adopt Resolution #16-09-174 Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll and Calling for Assessment Hearing for 2016 Mill and Overlay Improvements; Improvement Project 16-00 Division B
7. Adopt Resolution #16-09-175 Ordering Preparation of Assessment Roll and Calling for Assessment Hearing for Andrie Street and 164th Lane Reconstruction; Improvement Project 16-00 Division C
8. Award Contract for Demolition of Former Municipal Center Campus
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 9-27-2016
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