- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Approve Licenses
2. Approve Rental Licenses
3. Adopt Resolution #19-186 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of July 18, 2019 Through August 7, 2019
4. Adopt Resolution #19-161 Approving a Conditional Use Permit for an Oversized Accessory Building at 15800 Traprock St NW, Case of James Couch
5. Adopt Resolution #19-163 Authorizing Letter of Support for Anoka Conservation District's Grant Application for Rum River Bank Stabilization Projects
6. Adopt Resolution #19-181 Granting an Interim Use Permit to a Religious Institution at 6937 Highway 10; Case of Freedom Church
7. Adopt Resolution #19-182 Granting an Interim Use Permit to Operate a Religious Institution at 7101 143rd Ave NW; Case of St Katharine Drexel
8. Adopt Resolution #19-183 to Grant a Conditional Use Permit for an Oversized Second Ground Sign at 8390 Highway 10 NW (Project No 19-128); Case of Lazydays RV
9. Adopt Resolution #19-187 Approving Code Enforcement Action Plan at 5431 164th LN NW
10. Adopt Resolution #19-188 Approving Right of Re-Entry Agreement for Lot 1, Block 1, Anderson Dahlen South Addition; Case of Knoll Properties LLC
11. Adopt Resolution #19-189 to Backfill the Vacant Part-Time Recreation Specialist Position
12. Adopt Resolution #19-192 Approving Development Agreement for Armstrong West Retail Mall, Case of PSD, LLC dba Armstrong West Retail Mall, LLC
13. Adopt Resolution #19-193 Approving Updated Development Agreement for Anderson Dahlen (Project #19-109); Case of Knoll Properties (Anderson Dahlen)
14. Adopt Resolution #19-194 Approving the Release of a Conditional Use Permit and Vacation of an Existing Drainage and Ponding Easement on Lot 1 Block 1 and Outlot A Bury & Carlson Addition (Project #19-109); Case of Anderson Dahlen
15. Adopt Resolution #19-196 Approving Multiple Agreements Related to the Delta ModTech Project
• Right of Entry Agreement
• Stormwater Treatment and Ponding Maintenance Agreement
• Trail Easement
16. Adopt Resolution #19-197 Approving Amended and Restated Assessment Agreements for Hageman Holdings Related to Delta ModTech Project
17. Adopt Resolution #19-184 to Backfill the Engineering Technician II Position
18. Adopt Resolution #19-185 Promoting an Engineering Technician II to Engineering Technician IV
19. Adopt Resolution #19-195 Approving a Restructure to the Paid-on-Call Firefighter Pay Scale
20. Report from Public Works Committee
1. Update on Pavement Maintenance Plan for Ferret Street and 147th Avenue Intersection: Motion for City Council to Ratify the Consensus of the Committee Direction to Suspend Improvements to the Intersection of Ferret Street and 147th Avenue on 2019
2. Update on Variolite Street Reconstruction Options: Motion for City Council to Ratify the Consensus of the Committee Direction for Staff to Proceed on Development of the Variolite Street Reconstruction Project for 2020
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Introduce Ordinance #19-09 Vacating Right-of-Way for River Walk Village; Case of Don Kveton/Village Bank (Project 18-163)
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Resolution #19-197 Approving Amending and Restated Assessment Agreements for Hageman Holdings Related to Delta ModTech Project 2. Introduce Proposed Ordinance #19-11 Implementing a Gas Franchise Fee on CenterPoint Energy for Providing Gas Service Within the City of Ramsey, Introduce Proposed Ordinance #19-12 Implementing an Electric Franchise Fee on Connexus Energy for Providing Electric Service Within the City of Ramsey and Introduce Proposed Ordinance #19-13 Implementing an Electric Franchise Fee on the City of Anoka Electric for Providing Electric Service Within the City of Ramsey
3. Adopt Resolution #19-198 Denying a Massage Therapy License
4. Adopt Resolution #19-176 Approving PRIME Advertising Contracts for Ramsey Resident Newsletter and Annual community Resource Guide
5. Adopt Resolution #19-189 to Backfill the Vacant Part-time Recreation Specialist Position
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 8-12-2019
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