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- 1. Call to Order 1. Members of Boy Scout Troop #233 will Lead in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- 2. Presentation
- 1. Oath of Office for a New Commission Member
- 2. Highway 10 Updated
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda 1. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending May 31, 2016 2. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes: 1. City Council Work Session dated 05/24/2016 2. City Council Regular dated 05/24/2016 3. Approve Licenses 4. Approve Off-Sale Intoxicating Liquor, Off-Sale 3.2% Liquor, On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor, Beer, Sunday Sales, and Optional 2:00 a.m. Closing 5. Authorize Contract for Asbestos Abatement and Regulated Waste Removal for the City's Former Municipal Center Campus 6. Adopt Resolution #16-06-114 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of May 19, 2016 through June 8, 2016 7. Adopt Resolution #16-06-107 Declaring the City of Ramsey's Participation in the State Council on Local Results and Innovation -- Performance Measurement Program 8. Adopt Resolution #16-06-109 Granting Final Plat Approval of Knoll Properties; Case of Anderson Dahlen (Project No. 16-06) 9. Adopt Resolution #16-06-110 Approving Permanent Trail Easement Agreement on Outlots B and D, Northfork Moors Addition 10. Adopt Resolution #16-06-113 to Hire an Engineering Intern 11. Adopt Resolution #16-06-117 Confirming Aeon Housing Project is in Alignment with The COR Development Plan
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing 1. Public Hearing - Adopt Resolution #16-06-112 Adopting the City of Ramsey's 2016-2020 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- 7. Council Business
- 1. Adopt Resolution #16-06-111 Approving Plans and Specifications and Authorizing Bids for Improvement Project #16-00 Division B, 2016 Mill and Overlay Improvements
- 2. Adopt Resolutions #16-06-115 and #16-06-116 Granting Approval of the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Woodlands 3rd Addition; Case of Lennar Corporation
- 3. Future Business Park (Right of First Refusal Agreement to Purchase Real Estate)
- 4. Consider Authorizing Work Order for WSB to assist with Shovel Ready Certification Process
- 5. Adopt Resolution #16-06-108 Accepting the Mississippi River Shoreline Inventory Completed by the Anoka Conservation District (Project #16-19)
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment