- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
1. Oath of Office - Patrol Officer
2. Recognize Councilmember Melody Shryock for her Service to the City of Ramsey
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive March 2019 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds
2. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending March 31, 2019
3. Note the Following Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes:
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated March 7, 2019
• Park and Recreation Meeting Minutes Dated March 14, 2019
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated March 18, 2019
4. Adopt Resolution 19-096 Approving the Code Enforcement Action Plan for 15415 Saint Francis Blvd NW
5. Approving the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Special Work Session Dated 4/03/2019
2. City Council Work Session Dated 4/09/2019
3. City Council Regular Session Dated 4/09/2019
6. Approve Licenses
7. Adopt Resolution #19-092 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of April 4, 2019 Through April 17, 2019
8. Adopt Resolution #19-076 Approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement for Hauck Addition (Project No. 19-105); Case of Jill Arnold
9. Adopt Resolution #19-095 Authorizing the Sale of Lot 25, Block 1, Harvest Estates; Case of Meadow Creek Builders, Inc
10. Adopt Resolution #19-097 Authorizing Partial Payment to Kuechle Underground, Inc, for Improvement Project 18-14, Riverdale Drive Trunk Utility Improvement
11. Adopt Resolution #19-104 Accepting Resignation of the Ward 3 Councilmember, Declaring a Vacancy in the Office of Councilmember Ward 3 and Calling for a Special Election to Fill the Vacancy
12. Adopt Resolution #19-105 Recognizing Councilmember Melody Shryock for her Service to the City of Ramsey
13. Adopt Resolution #19-091 Hiring Seasonal Public Works Maintenance Workers and Temporary Interns
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Ordinance #19-08 Vacating Underlying Easements for Harvest Estates 2nd Addition
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Ordinance #19-07 Authorizing the City of Ramsey to Sell one (1) Parcel of Real Property
2. Consider Funding Options for Clean up Project for River Walk Village; Case of Village Bank
• Adopt Resolution #19-101 Authorizing Application for Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account Grant
• Adopt Resolution #19-102 Authorizing Application and Local Match for Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Grant
3. Adopt Resolution #19-094 Approving Purchase Agreement for North 9.3 Acres of Lot 1, Block 1, Bury and Carlson Addition; Case of Knoll Properties LLC (Portions May be Closed to the Public)
4. Adopt Resolution #19-093 Approving Revised Purchase Agreements for Land Exchange Related to COR Infiltration Pond Project; Case of PSD LLC
5. Pearson Park Construction Development Update - and Authorize a 5% Project Budget Extension
6. Policy Regarding Remote Attendance and Participation in Council and Commission Meetings
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 4-23-2019
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