- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Consent Agenda
1. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending October 31, 2018
2. Consider Request to Rezone Property Identified by PID #35-32-25-32-0062 from R-1 Residential (MUSA) to E-1 Employment (Project No. 155); Case of Rocky Mtn Investment LLC
3. Consider Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement for Federal Equitable Sharing for the Anoka-Hennepin Narcotics and Violent Crimes Task Force (DTF)
4. Approve the Following Meeting Minutes:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 10/23/2018
2. City Council Regular Dated 10/23/2018
5. Approve Licenses
6. Approval of Tuition Reimbursement
7. Approve the Establishment of a Trail Easement Over the Westerly 20' Feet of 5195 142nd Avenue
8. Approve Request to Declare Surplus Property
9. Adopt Resolution #18-234 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of October 18, 2018 Through November 7, 2018
10. Adopt Resolution #18-211 Approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application for Truck Garant at 6021 Hwy 21 (Project #17-151); Case of Roman Gadaskin
11. Adopt Resolution #18-212 Approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application for Auto Sales and Service at 6021 Hwy 21 (Project #17-151); Case of Roman Gadaskin
12. Adopt Resolution #18-228 Granting Site Plan Approval for Parkside Village; Case of Centra Homes, LLC
13. Adopt Resolution #18-233 Approving Premise Permit for Anoka Ramsey Athletic Association for Lawful Gambling at Aurelio's Pizza
14. Report from Public Works Committee
The Public Works Committee Held its Regular Meeting on October 16, 2018 and Discussed the Following Items:
1. Consider Recommendation to City Council Supporting Metropolitan Council Study for Northwest Metropolitan Area Regional Surface Water Supply Facility: Ratify he Recommendation of the Public Works Committee to Pass the Review of the Resolution Allowing the Metropolitan Council to Complete a Study for a Northwest Metropolitan Area Regional Surface Water Supply Facility to the City Council Without a Recommendation
Committee/Staff Input
. Update on Status of Feasibility Reports for 2019 Reconstruction Projects: Ratify the Consensus of the Committee to Support the Staff Recommendation to Postpone Improvement Project #18-02 HY-Ramsey, Street Reconstructions
- 5. Approve Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Resolution #18-229 Approving Feasibility Report and Ordering Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #19-01, Ford Brook Estates Street Reconstructions
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Resolution #18-230 Approving Feasibility Report and Ordering Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #19-02, Brookview Estates Street Reconstructions
3. PUBLIC HEARING: Adopt Resolution #18-231 Approving Feasibility Report and Ordering Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #19-03, Wood Pond Hills & Chestnut Ridge Street Reconstructions
- 7. Council Business
1. Approve Final Plans, Development Agreement, and Assessment Agreement for Lazydays RV Expansion
2. Introduce Ordinance #18-16: 2019 Schedule of Rates, Fees and Charges
3. Receive Update Regarding the 2020 US Census
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment