- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Approve Agenda
- 5. Consent Agenda
1. Receive September 2020 Financial Reports - General Fund and Enterprise Funds
2. Note the Following Boards, Commissions, and Committee Meeting Minutes:
• Environmental Policy Board Meeting Minutes Dated August 17, 2020
• Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Dated September 3, 2020
• Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes Dated September 10, 2020
• Park and Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes Dated September 10, 2020
• Public Works Committee Meeting Minutes Dated September 15, 2020
3. Approve Rental Licenses
4. Declare Unclaimed Bicycles as Surplus Property and Authorize Donation of the Same to a Non-Profit Organization According to the City's Donation Policy
5. Adopt Resolution # 20-242 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of October 8, 2020 Through October 21, 2020
6. Adopt Resolution #20-237 Authorizing Partial Payment #1 to RJM Construction for Improvement Project 20-07 New Public Works Facility
7. Adopt Resolution #20-238 Authorizing Partial Payment #2 to Douglas-Kerr Underground, LLC of Mora, Minnesota for Improvement Project #20-04, Puma Street Improvements
8. Adopt Resolution #20-239 Authorizing Final Payment to Asphalt Surface Technologies for Improvement Project #19-01, Ford Brook Estates Street Reconstruction
9. Adopt Resolution #20-240 Authorizing Partial Payment #3 to Park Construction Company for Improvement Project #20-01, Variolite Street Reconstruction
10. Adopt Resolution #20-244 Approving Purchase Agreement for Outlot B, COR Stone Brook Academy - Stories Foundation (Portions may be closed to the public)
11. Adopt Resolution #20-245 Approving Purchase Agreement for Outlot B, Alpha Development 2nd Addition; Case of US Home Corporation (Portions may be closed to the public)
12. Adopt Resolution #20-247 Approving Joint Powers Agreement for Bunker Lake Boulevard/County State Aid Highway 116 & Saint Francis Boulevard/Trunk Highway 47 Intersection Improvements
13. Adopt Resolution #20-251 Approving abatement of 8049 146th Ave NW
14. Adopt Resolution #20-252 Approving Abatement for 5344 142nd Cir NW
15. Adopt Resolution #20-249 Approving City of Ramsey Small Business Relief Grants - CARES Act
16. Adopt Resolution #20-250 to Hire Temporary On-call Snow Plow Drivers
- 6. Public Hearing
1. Public Hearing on Issuance of General Obligation (GO) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Bonds & on Capital Improvement Plan & Adopt Resolution #20-253 Giving Preliminary Approval to the Issuance of GO Capital Improvement Plan Bonds in an Amount not to Exceed $10M and Adopting the City of Ramsey's Capital Improvement Plan (for GO CIP Bonding Projects Only) for the Years 2020-2024. (In Relation to Funding for Public Works Campus)
2. PUBLIC HEARING: Introduce Ordinance #20-18 to Rename 152nd Circle as Junkite Circle in Harvest Estates 2nd Addition
- 7. Council Business
1. Adopt Ordinance #20-19 Amending Chapter 34 of the City Code: "Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions," Governing the Use of Firearms, Bows and Arrows
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment