- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Approve Agenda
- 5. Consent Agenda
1. Receive November 2019 Financial Reports - General and Enterprise Funds
2. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending November 30, 2019
3. Receive Cash and Investments for Period Ending December 31, 2019
4. Review Code Enforcement Update on 5431 164th LN NW
5. Review Sketch Plan for Odyssey Homes Townhomes on Nowthen Blvd and 146th Avenue (Project No. 19-140)
6. Approve Amending City Council Meeting Schedule for 2020
7. Approve the Following Meeting Meetings:
1. City Council Work Session Dated 12/10/2019
2. City Council Regular Session Dated 12/10/2019
8. Approve Licenses
9. Approve Rental Licenses
10. Adopt Resolution #20-005 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of December 5, 2019 Through December 30, 2019
11. Adopt Resolution #20-017 Approving Cash Disbursements Made and Authorizing Payment of Accounts Payable Invoicing Received During the Period of January 1, 2020 Through January 8, 2020
12. Adopt Resolution #20-014 Adopting 2020 Enterprise Fund Budgets
13. Adopt Resolution #20-010 Approving the City of Ramsey 2021 Budget Calendar
14. Adopt Resolution #20-006 for 2020 Council Organization; Resolution #20-007 Designating Financial Institutions as Official Depositories of City Funds for 2020; Resolution #20-008 Authorizing Signatures for Financial Transactions and Resolution #20-009 Designating Bank of the West as Official Financial Institution for the City of Ramsey Banking Services for the Year of 2020
15. Adopt Resolution #20-011 to Appoint a City Clerk
16. Adopt Resolution #20-001 Authorizing Partial Payment to #2 to Omann Contracting Companies, Inc. For Improvement Project #19-03, Wood Pond Hills and Chestnut Ridge Street Reconstructions
17. Adopt Resolution #20-003 Authorizing Partial Payment #3 to Northern Lines Contracting, Inc for Improvement Project #18-09, COR Infiltration Basin Improvements
19. [Revised] Adopt Resolution #20-012 Approving Release of Multiple Agreements and Mortgage for Stone Brook Academy: Case of MK Johnson Properties, LLC
20. Adopt Resolution #20-013 Approving Notice of Default (Expiring Purchase Agreement for AEON Ramsey 2, LLC
21. Adopt Resolution #20-016 Granting an Extension of a Conditional Use Permit Related to Indoor Horse Riding Arenas at 17902 St Francis Blvd NW (Project No. 19-101); Case of Dale and Tammy Wills
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
7.0 Adopt Resolution #20-013 Approving Notice of Default (Expiring Purchase Agreement for AEON Ramsey 2, LLC
1. Introduce Ordinance #20-01 Rezoning Two Parcels at 9340 Highway 10 NW; Case of MYWC, LLC
2. Introduce Ordinance #20-02 Approving Zoning Amendment for Outlot C, Northfork and Review Sketch Plan (Project No. 19-147); Case of BK Land Development
3. Professional Services Contract Amendment for the Tinklenberg Group
4. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Staff to Submit Revised 2040 Comprehensive Plan to Metropolitan Council Based on Initial Metropolitan Council Comments
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment
Ramsey City Council 1-14-2020
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