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- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Presentation
2.1. Swearing-in Ceremony for the Ward 1 Councilmember, Mr. Ryan Heineman
- 2.2. State of the City 2021: Mayor's Address
- 3. Citizen Input
- 4. Approve Agenda
- 5. Consent Agenda
- 6. Public Hearing
- 7. Council Business
7.1. Adopt Resolution #21-050 Approving a Non-Traditional Animal License at 5751 150th Lane NW (Project No. 21-107); Case of Miguel and Breeka Jaramillo
- 7.2. Adopt Ordinance #21-09 Amending City Code Section 26-852 Entitled Massage Therapist License
- 7.3. Introduce Ordinance #21-02 Amending City Code Section 117-148 Entitled Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area
- 7.4. Adopt Resolution #21-056 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for 2021 Crack Seal Improvements, Improvement Project #21-06
- 7.5. Adopt Resolution #21-061 Ordering Plans and Specifications for Improvement Project #21-08, Water Treatment Plant Trunk Watermain Improvements
- 7.6. Adopt Resolution #21-057 Accepting Bids and Awarding Contract for Improvement Project #21-00, Riverdale Drive Reconstruction, Feldspar Street to Sunfish Lake Boulevard
- 7.7. Adopt Resolution # 21-067 instructing that no city resource be utilized in the enforcement of Executive Order 20-81
- 7.8. Adopt Resolution # 21-068 Directing City of Ramsey Staff, Authorities, Boards and Commissions to Take and Follow Direction from the Ramsey City Council
- 8. Mayor/Council/Staff Input
- 9. Adjournment