- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes A. February 8th, 2016 Regular Meeting
- 5. Open Forum
- 6. Unfinished Business
- A. Walker Methodist Plaza Gardens Report
- B. Other Reports
- 7. New Business
- A. Acceptance of Demolition Bid for Structure at 1806 2nd Avenue
- B. Discontinuance of Loan Servicing for 2020 Shaw Avenue
- C. South Ferry Street Corridor Vision Presentation
- D. Potential Acquisition of 2221 Ferry Street
- E. City Council Goals 2016
- 8. Discussion Items A. Board Appreciation Dinner
- 9. Tentative Agenda Items for Future Meetings
- 10. Adjournment