- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of the Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes
A. July 8th, 2019 Regular Meeting
B. July 8th, Special Meeting
- 5. Open Forum
- 6. Unfinished Business
A. 111 Harrison Street Commercial Loan Update
B. 640 E Main Street Acquisition Update
C. Other Updates
- 7. New Business
A. Resolution Approving an Amendment to the South Central Business Tax Increment Financing District and Approving an Amendment to the Tax Increment Financing Plan
B. Resolution Authorizing Execution of a Tax Increment Pledge Agreement with the City of Anoka Regarding Approximately $1,690,000 General Obligation Taxable Tax Increment Revenue Bones, Series 2019A
C. Receive Second Quarter Financial Report
- 8. Discussion Items
- 9. Tentative Agenda Items for Future Meetings
- 10. Adjournment