- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of the Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes
A. April 9th, 2018 Regular Meeting
B. April 9th, 2018 Worksession Meeting
- 5. Open Forum
Closed Session - Pursuant to Minn. Stat § 13d.05
A. Consideration of Sale Price for Vacant Land at Benton and Ferry Street
- 6. New Business
A. Authorize Sale of Vacant Land at Benton and Ferry Street
B. Consider Proposals for HRA Owned Property at 319 Monroe Street
C. Accept Bids for Demolition of 1808 1st Avenue and 1804 1st Avenue
D. Approve Rental Housing Conversion Program Guidelines
- 7. Unfinished Business
A. Other Reports
- 8. Discussion Items
- 9. Tentative Agenda Items for Future Meeting
- 10. Adjournment