- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Approval of the Agenda
- 4. Approval of Minutes
A. December 12th, 2016 Regular Meeting
- 5. Open Forum
- 6. Annual Meeting Business
A. Election of Officers; Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary
B. Review Bylaws
C. Review 2017 Meeting Schedule
- 7. Unfinished Business
A. Second Ave/Monroe Street Redevelopment Update
B. Other Updates
- 8. New Business
A. Receive 4th Quarter Financial Report from Finance Director
B. Approve TIF Expenditures for 2017 Street Improvement Project on Madison Street
- 9. Discussion Items
A. Quarterly Loan Program Activity Summary from Center for Energy & Environment
- 10. Closed Session
A. Determination of Purchase Price for Vacant Lots on 200 Block of Madison Street
- 11. Tentative Agenda Items for Future Meetings
- 12. Adjournment