- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Council Minutes 3.1 June 6, 2016 Regular Mtg.
- 4. Open 4.1 Audit Presentation
- 5. Public Hearing(s)
- 6. Consent Agenda 6.1 Verified Bills 6.2 Revising & Setting Council Calendars 6.3 Consideration of Waiving Monteary Limits for Liability Coverage and Annual Insurance
- 7. Reports of Officers, Boards & Commissions 7.1 Planning Items: 7.1.A. RES/Variance; 1423 4th Ave 7.1.B. RES/Preliminary Plat; 1 Vista Way 7.1.C. RES/Final Plat; 1 Vista Way 7.1.D RES/Site Plan; 1 Vista Way
- 8. Petitions, Requests & Communication
- 9. Ordinances & Resolutions
- 9.1 ORD/Amending Chpt 48; Article II, Rental Licensing. (1st Reading)
- 9.2 ORD/Amending 2015 Master Fee Schedule; Rental Licensing. (1st Reading)
- 9.3 RES/Approving Property Exchange with Anoka HRA; 1807 1st Ave (City) & 2810 Fairoak (HRA)
- 9.4 RES/Approval of Intent to Reimburse Expenditures from Bond Proceeds
- 9.5 RES/Calling for Sale of 2016B Bonds; Stormwater Utility
- 9.6 RES/Credit Enhancement 2016B
- 9.7 ORD/Granting an Easement to City of Champlin for Champlin Substation. (1st Reading)
- 9.8 RES/Recommended Approval of LG214 Gambling Permit for ARAA @ 201 Tavern
- 10. Unfinished Business
- 11. New Business
- 11.1 Approve Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)
- 11.2 Approve Equipment Replacement Plan (ERP)
- 12. Updates & Reports
- 12.1 Bi-Annual Round-Up Report
- 12.2 Tentative Agendas
- 13. Adjournment