- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Council Minutes
3.1 February 5, 2018 Regular Mtg
- 4. Open Forum
4.1 Police Activity Update
- 5. Public Hearing(s)
- 6. Consent Agenda
6.1 Verified Bills
6.2 Revising & Setting Council Calendars
6.3 Recommended Approval of an LG240B Bingo Permit; Anoka Knights of Columbus, 03/24/2018
6.4 Accept Resignation from Planning Commission; Manley Brahs
6.5 Recommended Approval of an LG220 Gambling Permit for Bingo for Lyric Arts @ Anoka Knights of Columbus Hall, 03/29/2018
- 7. Reports of Officers, Boards & Commissions
7.1 Planning Items
7.1.A RES/Approving a Conditional use Permit and Site Plan for the Anoka High School - 3939 7th Avenue
7.1.B ORD/Amending Chapter 74. Section 74-2 Definitions and Chapter 74, Section 74-265(h)(2)b. Conditional Uses (1st Reading)
- 8. Petitions, Requests & Communication
- 9. Ordinances & Resolutions9.1 RES/Adopting 2018-2019 Goals
9.2 RES/Approve Plans & Specification, Authorize Advertisement for Bids, and Set Bid Date; Veterans Memorial
9.3 RES/Accepting Donations and Contributions in 2017
- 10. Unfinished Business
- 11. New Business
11.1 Appointment to Heritage Preservation Commission; Elizabeth McFarland
- 12. Updates & Reports
12.1 4th Quarter Financial Report
12.2 Tentative Agendas
- 13. Adjournment