- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Council Minutes 3.1 December 21, 2015 Regular Mtg.
- 4. Open Forum
- 5. Public Hearing(s)
- 6. Consent Agenda 6.1 Verified Bills 6.2 Revising & Setting Council Calendars
- 7. Reports of Officers, Boards & Commissions
- 7.1 Parks & Recreation Board - Update
- 8. Petitions, Requests & Communication
- 9. Ordinances & Resolutions
- 9.1 RES/Annual Designations
- 9.2 RES/Annual Appointments to Various Committees
- 9.3 ORD/Dumpster Lease Agreement; 10K Brewing, 2005 2nd Ave. (2nd Reading)
- 10. Unfinished Business
- 11. New Business
- 12. Updates & Reports
- 12.1 Tentative Agendas
- Adjournment