- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Roll Call
- 3. Council Minutes 3.1 January 4, 2016 Regular Mtg
- 4. Open Forum
- 5. Public Hearing(s)
- 5.1 Public Improvement Hearing; 2016 SRP
- 5.2 Assessment Hearing; 2016 SRP
- 6. Consent Agenda 6.1 Verified Bills 6.2 Revising & Setting Council Calendars 6.3 Recommended Approval of an LG220 Gambling Permit; Struttin's Toms Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation 6.4 Issuance of Temporary On-Sale Liquor License; Church St. Stephen
- 7. Reports of Officers, Boards & Commissions
- 8. Petitions, Requests & Communication
- 9. Ordinances & Resolutions
- 9.1 RES/Ordering Project & Authorizing the Preparation of Final Engineering Plans & Specifications for the 2016 SRP
- 9.2 RES/Adopting Assessment Roll for the 2016 SRP
- 9.3 RES/Recommended Approval of an LG216 Gambling Premise Permit; CRHS Booster Club @ QBitez, 3507 Round Lk Blvd
- 10. Unfinished Business
- 11. New Business 11.1 Approval of Special Events License; Alexandra House/Nystrom Counseling. Event: Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
- 12. Updates & Reports 12.1 Tentative Agendas
- 13. Adjournment